Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The rusted watering pot had DREAMER written on the side of it. This watering can spoke loudly to my soul. There was something strange and beautiful in its message. I believe I am a DREAMER and I believe that I have been holding a can of my dreams for years. The can is rusted with ambition, with fears, with sorrows, with happiness, and with years. I dream! I dream! And I dream!
I know that if I fill my can up it has the potential to make life flourish and create birth. I love that feeling. That the dreams that have been contained in my rusted can will be full enough to spill over and nourish growth of the next season. I can hardly contain them any longer!!
I love the idea of rust. Maybe because it is raw and shows signs of truly weathering life. I believe its the weathering that makes us appear beautiful even in our imperfections.

And OF course CHEESE! My little man in all his wonder continues to encourage me to see the world through the eyes of an innocent soul. he encourages me to laugh when life says you cant laugh, prop your feet up in all the wrong places, and talk loudly because you are proud of what you are saying......Thank you Luka --Thank you!!
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1 comment:

  1. This is the cutest picture of Luka! I can't wait to meet him in person! I love car seat photos.
